Courage for Change Newsletter

archangel haniel may newsletter 2024 rhonda schaan May 04, 2024

Change is hard for many people because it pushes them outside their comfort zone. This is when their ego shouts at them the loudest, as they do not like change. The ego protects you from harm, so it likes you to be safe and comfortable. The solution is everything, and every moment is about change. Nothing will stay the same. 

Have you ever looked at old photographs from the city, town, or place you have lived in? Looking down familiar streets that have been there for years and seeing the change that has taken place is amazing. These are the streets that you have roamed daily, and you do not recognize the change as it is happening, yet looking back, you have seen the change the whole time. 

Personally, I love/hate change. I know that change helps one move and grow forward, but it can be scary because it requires faith that everything is going to be fine when it is unknown what that change can be. It takes a leap of FAITH and TRUST that everything will be fine. When I get overwhelmed due to change, one of my sayings is, "You need to get comfortable being uncomfortable." Many do not want to change because fail of failure. Well, the team has got news for you. You are going to fail. You will also fly and soar by learning from your mistakes. Very few people have tried on their first time and have succeeded to the best of their abilities. It takes practice and patience to get things right. 

This month, your team wants to challenge you to do something different daily. Break habits you don't necessarily think about, like putting on your shoes, starting with the other foot you usually would start with. Also, take a different route to work and see where it leads you. 

A message from Archangel Haniel

"My children, change is constantly happening around you. There should be no fear of change, and it should not overwhelm you. Just take comfort in the fact that even though change is necessary to survive, you also have things that will be constant in your life. I work with cycles, and the tide will always come back and forth. The sun will always rise and then set. This helps in your grounding, knowing that even when things are shifting, you have elements that will always be a constant when you are ready to embrace it. There should be no fear of change as this helps you to grow as a person and to TRUST in your Divine and your Divine Team that you are indeed on the correct path. Just take some time to ground yourself and be still to hear what is next for you and your life." Embrace the Change and look forward to what it has to offer you."

_Archangel Haniel