Signs That Our Loved Ones Are With Us

Mar 29, 2024

Signs That Our Loved Ones And Angels Are With Us

by Michelle Babychuk


Our loved ones and Angels always show us signs that they are with us. They do this by using our senses.

The following are just a few examples of how they try to get our attention.


Sight: We receive signs through repetitive numbers, cloud formations, animals, rainbows and so much more.


Hearing: you may hear bells tingling, knocking on the wall, or your name being called.


Feeling: you may feel a slight breeze or touch on your skin, goose bumps or hugs.


Smell: our loved ones love to get our attention by scent. This scent would be associated with the. It could be the smell of cigar, perfume or even baking.


When we become more aware of the signs we receive, the easier it is to see them. You can always ask for specific signs for yourself. When you do receive a sign, but unsure of who it is from, ask who it it and trust that the first name that pops into your head is the correct answer.